
Former NASA Doctor Reveals The #1 Heart-Healthy Food 89% Of Americans Aren’t Eating Enough

Did you know that astronauts rarely have heart problems? Surprisingly, it all comes down to one specific food they eat in outer space. “This food works to clean your arteries and support your heart health by dissolving the sticky protein building up inside them,” says Dr. Sam Walters. Dr. Sam Walters is a former nutrition […]

The #1 Fruit That Fights Cholesterol

Are you worried about your heart health? Perhaps your recent bloodwork wasn’t what you hoped for. And now your doctor (and even spouse) are nagging you to do something about it. Whatever the case, here’s some good news… One doctor now says there’s a new way to support healthy cholesterol… without suffering side-effects or living […]

#1 WORST sweetener (3X worse than sugar for your A1C)

If your blood sugar is out of whack… STOP adding this sweetener to your coffee! 🚫☕ Because according to America’s #1 diabetes doc, there’s ONE “coffee sweetener” that can BLOCK insulin production… And drastically SPIKE your blood sugar overnight! This “coffee sweetener” is 3X WORSE than sugar for your A1C. Yet 97% of diabetics use […]

Is WWII still affecting your health?

LATEST:: Texas Health Expert Reveals How This Little-Known Side Effect of WWII Could Be Causing Your Fatigue & Brain Fog On January 3rd, 1942, a government decision went mostly unnoticed… But the health of Americans hasn’t been the same since. If you’re over the age of 50 and feel your body and mind rapidly getting […]

9 drugs linked to Alzheimer’s disease?

Dear Reader, Are you taking one of these 9 “memory erasing” prescriptions? You may think your memory loss is just a sign of getting older, but one of these 9 drugs could actually be damaging your brain… These 9 prescription drugs have now been linked to Alzheimer’s disease diagnoses. If you’re over the age of […]

Stop taking vitamin C

There is an urgent new warning about vitamin C. Click here now to find out if you’re at risk. Millions of people are currently using these popular vitamin C products to stay healthy—so we must get the word out quickly. Click here now to learn which vitamin C products to stay away from and which […]

What eggs do to senior brains

How often do you eat eggs? Did you know it does THIS to senior brains? -Emily P.S. If you think you know the answer, don’t be too sure. If you care about your memory, see this now.

What American breakfast foods do to your joints

Do you wake up in the morning with stiff joints or pain in your knees or back? Chances are you might be eating foods that are causing unhealthy levels of inflammation in your joints. ⇒ Click here to learn the top 5 common breakfast foods that irritate your joints PS: No amount of Ibuprofen can […]

1 heart attack signal you should NEVER ignore

Dear Reader, I check every single one of my patients for this… Because it can signal a heart attack is right around the corner. Are you at risk? Please check now. —Dr. Fred Pescatore P.S. Don’t be caught by surprise. Discover this 1 overlooked heart attack signal. This ad is sent on behalf of OmniVistaHealth, […]

3 Foods That Fight Memory Loss

Why do some people stay sharp as a whip as they get older, while others have trouble recalling names, dates, and even conversations? New research from Harvard University suggests age may not be the culprit. And one Boston medical doctor now says memory problems are often caused by the foods you’re eating — or NOT […]

Worst Habit That Harms Knees In Seniors Over 60

How do some folks stay active well into their 70’s, 80’s, and even 90’s… enjoying all kinds of activities like hiking, gardening, and golfing… …while others find themselves hobbling down stairs… or needing to rock back and forth just to get out of a chair? Well, according to a new breakthrough discovery by Harvard University, […]

Ear pinch clears away brain fog in 8 seconds

Did you know that 50,000 of your brain cells die every day? If you’re over 50 and you forget a name, misplace your keys, or just feel foggy all the time — that means your brain cells are dying off even faster. I was shocked to learn this myself. It turns out… Stanford University neuroscientists […]

Remove this from your refrigerator right now

Millions of Americans feel like no matter how many stretches, supplements, or pills they take… their achy joints just never seem to get better. Most doctors blame old injuries, poor genetics, and more often than not — just “getting older.” However, breakthrough Harvard research recently discovered something shocking: Many so-called “health foods” may actually be […]

Bone on bone pain 🦴

Tens of millions of Americans (more than 50 million at last count) have experienced something like this scenario, and maybe you’re one of them… You go to see the doctor because you have a stiff, painful joint that just won’t quit—and he says the exact words you don’t want to hear. He tells you that […]

This juice lowers your blood pressure

When my patients come to me with blood pressure higher than 120/80… I tell them to start drinking this hydrating juice every morning: You can buy bucketfuls of these ingredients for less than $3. Yet one 74-year-old patient who started drinking it daily… Dropped his BP numbers from 150/80… down to 116/76. He didn’t start […]

Dry Eyes? Here are 5 reasons drops aren’t working

Are you wasting your money on eye drops? Here are 5 reasons drops won’t work for dry eyes and why you should be doing THIS instead. PS – If you really care about your eye health… ⇒ Read this short article before you spend another penny on eye drops… (You are probably being misled).

[Cancer shocker] Cereal for breakfast?

Dear Reader, There’s a city in northern Europe where cancer rates are 4X LOWER than they are here… And researchers have traced it back to what they eat for breakfast. See what this popular cereal can do to cancer cells right here: 1 common breakfast cereal reprograms cancer cells? To your health, Karen Reddel Logical […]

Touch your feet 🦶 like THIS (for 7 sec)

Can you really predict a heart attack? According to America’s #1 heart nutrition expert, Dr. Sam Walters… this 7-second “feet test” can reveal if your heart is dying. Here’s how to do it: Just sit on a chair. Touch your right foot. If THIS happens… then your heart is desperately starving for oxygen (but most […]

Recover your mobility

Say goodbye to aching joints and hello to a pain-free life. If joint pain has you on edge, here is a tip to help you step back. You can end the swelling and stiffness right now! There is no better time to soothe inflammation and improve flexibility and mobility. When researchers gave subjects one tablespoon […]

Treat your liver right

Discover the power of nature in rejuvenating your liver for enhanced vitality and well-being. Once you begin detoxifying your liver, you can start enjoying improved health. Harmful environmental toxins and contaminants that have poisoned your liver via cholesterol, sugar, water, medications, fats, and pollutants undermine the health of your liver and immune system. Liver Guard […]

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